Is this a masquerade or a “masquerade”? Is anyone going to get dressed?
No, this is not just a masquerade, here at Arabia Masquerade headquarters we prefer the title The Biggest and The Most Beautiful Masquerade of Finland. And yes, people, roughly 95% of them, are gonna get dressed. Some of the Maskerad-goers months to get their outfits ready, while others come up with their outfits a couple of hours before the doors open. Be our guest and check out the costumes of previous years from these picture galleries.
I still have nothing to wear. I will not come to Maskerad.
Oh, but you will! Do not worry, we will get over this outfit-crisis together. We’ve gathered some costume tips here. And why not just show up in Maskerad’s official pre-party and let the other pre-party goers take care of your looks? (More info about this below)
Finally, we want to point out that although we’re talking about Finland’s Biggest Masquerade, there is nothing to be stressed about. Year after year Maskerad’s trend accessory number one seems to be a loose moral and it’s all good if you show up without any outfit (we still recommend that you at least try).
Why the party is organized at school?
Locating the event to the school building is part of Arabia Maskerad’s history. Also, this is the last year the event can make the mighty journey back to its roots as our the rental agreement in between Aalto ARTS and Media Center Lume is about to end in spring 2017.
When does the party start?
Arabia Maskerad’s doors open at 20:00. If you’re anxious and can’t wait till nine, come to official pre-party. The pre-party will be held in between 18 and 20 in TOKYO Lounge (Arabia campus, basement floor, right next to Kipsari). You can find the Facebook-event of the pre-party from here.
And how does this pre-party thing work?
You enter the party, you bring your own bottle and your friends. We offer some face paints, glitter and people who are half-professionals with them. Then we have a blast.
Are there still some tickets left? How and where can I get them?
Yup, we still have tickets left. You can buy them either from Kipsari, TOKYOs service point in Arabia campus or in Tiketti. Also there will be one more Pop Up Ticket Sale in Otaniemi on Thursday 27.10. from 11 to 14 (Otakaari 1, The main lobby). Please notice, that you can use only cash in the Pop up -ticket sales point.
In advance tickets cost 10e for TOKYOs members and the staff of Aalto ARTS and 15e for others. Please notice that tickets from have no discounts.
Are there tickets at the door? And where will the door be?
If there are any tickets left, they will cost 15e from the door (you can pay with either cash or a card). . The door is located in the main lobby of Aalto ARTS’ Arabia Campus, Hämeentie 135c. There will be no entrance from Kino Sheryl’s door on Arabiankatu side of the building.
Is there a cloakroom fee?
Yup, 2e (you can pay with either cash or a card). Using the cloakroom is voluntary. Please note, that if you don’t use the cloakroom, the event and its organizers won’t be responsible for your stuff.
Do I need my ID?
Can be. The person at the door is a security employee, whose actions we can not predict. Please bring the ID.
How does costume contest work?
The competition works so that the organizing team spots the best costumes from the audience to the stage, after which the jury gives scores for them. One “member” of the jury is the audience, which gets an acclamation vote for each suit.
Costume Competition will start at 23:30. If you want to participate, we recommend you to enter the party at least half an hour before the competition kicks off. Also remember, that there might be some rush at the door.
So what happens and when?
20:00-23:30 Justus Valtanen
23:30-24:00 The Costume Contest
24:00-01:00 Saundi Arabia
01:00-03:30 LEO C
VJ Victor Pardinho will blow your mind in between 21:30-23:30 and 01:00-03:00.
Photo Booth?
The outfits are truly wonderful. That’s why we want to capture them for future generations. This happens at the photography point. The Photo Booth will be open from 20 to 24. Pictures of the previous years can be seen here.
Can I bring my own drinks?
Kipsari takes care of serving the party-goers. Therefore, the area is counted as a bar and you can’t bring your own drinks.
When will the party be over?
The bar closes at 03:30.
How do I get home?
It depends very much on where you live. Busses 68 and 71 will be riding through Arabianranta also by the time the party closes down. Check reittiopas to see more detailed information back home.