Indoor air questionnaire is on! Answer and affect!

Indoor air problems cause concern in our school. Please fill out this indoor air questionnaire aimed at students and staff and help us know where we are at the moment. The purpose of the questionnaire is to determine problems connected to the working environment and symptoms caused by indoor air. Further investigations will be started…

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Well-being workshop on Tue 24.3. at 16:30 @ TOKYO Hub

  This time is the Tokyo Hubs turn to explode into the air. Of well-being. Familiar already from the What’s going on ARTS -event ARTS’ own sovereign and super sweet psychologist Timo “once again” Tapola walks back to the stage with an armful of warmth, comfort, and great powerpointslides. Are you stressed out? Is your…

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Arabia indoor air situation; documents about research done in Arabia

Documents about the research done on Arabia campus’ indoor air problems are put up in inside, the link opens with your Aalto account. Document is in Finnish. You can contact Tokyo or Student Services if you have any questions, and if you’re having health problems related to indoor air quality, there’s help available. Student…

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New premises for film and television at Arabiakeskus

The owner of the building, Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company, is offering the School of Arts, Design and Architecture temporary premises on the fourth floor of Arabiakeskus for the Degree Programme in Film and Television. The premises will be available, according to present knowledge, until the end of May. The Department of Film, Television and…

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Kannanotto Aalto-yliopiston Arabian kampuksen sisäilmaongelmiin -Tuenilmaus elokuvataiteen laitoksen tilanteeseen

Unfortunately TOKYOs official statements are only available in Finnish. Sisäilmaongelmien kanssa on kamppailtu jo yli vuosikymmen Aalto-yliopiston taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulussa (ARTS) Arabian kampuksella, entisessä Taideteollisessa korkeakoulussa. Useat ARTSin opiskelijoista ja henkilökunnasta kärsivät sisäilmaongelmista, joiden takia moni on saanut lääkäriltä kiellon tulla koulurakennukseen. Rakennuksen tiloissa työskentelevät kärsivät päivittäin epäterveellisen hengitysilman aiheuttamista oireista. Aalto-yliopiston taiteiden ja…

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