TOKYOs Christmas Sales (26.-28.11.) Table sale now open

This year TOKYO’s Christmas Sales will be held in our ARTS homebase, Väre during friday 26.11.- sunday 28.11. You can buy the table from TOKYOs Holvi-store, and the table spot in the area will be given you as random. Table size might variate a bit depending on the location, being minimum 120x40cm. Tables can also be shared with another TOKYO member. When student & alumni shares the table, the alumni price will be paid.

All sellers in Christmas Sales must be TOKYO members, so please remember to check (and maybe pay) your membership before buying the table.

When you buy the table spot, you will agree with these terms below:

-You must pay 10€ deposit on Friday, which will be given back to on Sunday after the sales, if all is good and cleaned.

-Sales are open Friday 17-20, Saturday 10-17, Sunday 10-17. On Friday everyone needs to be there for preparations at 16:00.

-You should be on time and present for all the sales days.

-TOKYO wishes that sellers will sell only their own products.

-You can share your table with another TOKYO member, but you must tell names to TOKYO of the people you are sharing the table with.

-It is forbidden to attach anything to Väre walls (even a tape) and you cannot put stuff leaning on the walls. If you wish, you can bring your own stable rack for placing your products, but that can not go over the area of your table spot.

-Any extra lights must be provided by sellers themselves.

-Electricity will be provided for sellers if needed and if possible.

You will get the table map and your table number in week before the sales. More info will be sent to sellers before the sales via email. Also a telegram group will be set up for all sellers & TOKYO to communicate.

Areas for the sales:

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