TOKYO’s Extra General Meeting on Mon 30.08 at 17:00

Invitation to Extra General Meeting Mon 30.08.

TOKYO is arranging an Extra General Meeting on Mon 30.08.2021 at 17:00 (Helsinki).

In the meeting, we will be voting for a new Communications responsible to join our 2021 board of TOKYO this fall period.

The meeting will be arranged in Zoom. You can join the meeting from here:

Meeting ID: 629 4877 2070

The new Communications will team up with our Ruta as a super team and other Board members to vibrate the spirit and matters of ARTS for the fall semester. You can still join the meeting to appoint yourself for the role or to vote for others. Communications will be in charge of spreading the voice of the ARTS community through visual communications on our channels and around the campus. If you are interested and would like to know more or apply for this position before the meeting, feel free to send email to [email protected]

You can see the agenda below.

Also, remember you can only join TOKYO Board if you are a TOKYO member. If you haven’t yet paid your membership for this academic year, you can still do so in TOKYO’s Holvi shop! More information can be found here!

See you at zoom, enjoy the week and stay healthy <3

-TOKYO Board 2021

Agenda / Esityslista

Aalto-yliopiston Taiteiden ja suunnittelun ylioppilaat TOKYO ry

TOKYO RY – Ylimääräinen yhdistyksen kokous – Extra General Meeting of the association

Maanantai 30.08.2021 – Monday 30.8.2021

klo 18:30 Zoom-kokous/ at 18:30 Zoom meeting

Esityslista – Agenda

1 § Kokouksen avaaminen / Opening the meeting

2 § Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus / Meetings quorum and legality

3 § Puheenjohtajan, pöytäkirjan tarkastajien ja ääntenlaskijoiden valinta / Choosing the chairperson,

examiners and  vote counters of the minute

4 § Esityslistan hyväksyminen kokouksen työjärjestykseksi / Approval of the agenda

5 §  Hallituksen täydentäminen / Choosing a new addition to the board

6 § Keskusteluasiat / Discussion points

7 § Kokouksen päättäminen / Closing the meeting

Events, NewsKommentit pois päältä artikkelissa TOKYO’s Extra General Meeting on Mon 30.08 at 17:00