TOKYOs trip to Kuusamo, 23.-27.3.2016

TOKYOs tradition is to take our fresh international folks for a trip to Kuusamo to hang out with each other and to check out the mystic vibes of northern Finland. This trip is happening 23.3.-27.3.2016. The trip is mainly for international students, but if there’s room left, we have also some natives around. Registration starts on 3rd of February 12:00 at TOKYOs Service Point, by paying the 150e fee and filling in the registration form.

There will be a meeting for everyone attending the trip before the departure week, where the activities, such as alpine skiing, hiking, horseback riding, husky sledding, are planned. Make sure you don’t miss this great opportunity to experience the northern Finland!

Join TOKYO International affairs group on Facebook, if you want information on international things happening in ARTS, whether you are an exchange student or just interested in the subject. The Facebook group is hosted by the TOKYO student association to provide information about inter-university international events and matters such as the trip to Kuusamo!

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