p. 045-1281122
puheenjohtaja (at) tokyo.fi
glass and ceramics

executive manager
p. 050-5209439
toiminnanjohtaja (at) tokyo.fi

vice chair, social politics,
work & alumni relations
edunvalvonta (a) tokyo.fi
glass and ceramics

school and social politics;
new campus and indoor air
edunvalvonta (a) tokyo.fi
art education

school politics, degree reform
edunvalvonta (a) tokyo.fi
fine arts

international affairs,
school politics, degree reform
international (a) tokyo.fi
fine arts

international affairs
international (a) tokyo.fi
fashion and clothing design

viestinta (a) tokyo.fi
industrial design

new students,
art university collaboration
art education

new students, Poppoo (board contact for voluntary helpers)
art education

enterprise interaction,
events (“Barabbas”)
art education

events (Sheryl)
sheryl (a) tokyo.fi