TOKYOs extra general meeting and Studio Kipsari opening party 24.1.

Come meet your fellow students and this year’s TOKYO actives in the general meeting on Wednesday 24th of January.

This extra meeting will decide on choosing a new board member. TOKYO board is looking for a new student advocate. Do you want to make a difference in your studies? Are you a passionate spokesperson for students’ rights? Become the student advocate of TOKYO board!

The application for this seat is open. If you have any questions or got interested and would like to apply contact TOKYO board via email: hallitus(at)

In the meeting we will also celebrate the opening of the brand new Studio Kipsari in the Aalto Studios’ Otaniemi facilities in Otakaari 7. Come check out this new presence of Kipsari in Otaniemi and enjoy the abundant meeting snacks.

See you in there (event in Facebook)!

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