TOKYOs General Meeting (aka Huippukokous) was held on tuesday 19.11. at Art Department’s lobby. The meeting approved the action plan for 2014, chose a honorable member for TOKYO (published in ARTS annual party 13.11.14) and chose the board for 2014.
The action plan is available from here (in finnish), and the board 2014 presented with major subjects:
Chair person Larissa Haggren, Art Education
Marianne El-Khoury, Fashion and Clothing Design
Nina Chen, Fashion and Clothing Design
Olli-Pekka Peltomäki, Photography
Iiro Immonen, Photography
Maija Mikkola, Art Education
Verna Kuntsi, Art Education
Maija Ihanainen, Art Education
Satu Sipilä, Art Education
Otto Rummukainen, Ceramic and Glass Design
Mikko Akkola, Industrial Design
Congratulations and Cheers to all new board members!