I ❤ Kipsari grant available again! dl 2.6.

Eating at the vegan restaurant Kipsari is like putting money in your own pocket: Kipsari Väre and Studio Kipsari are owned by ARTS students through TOKYO! Kipsari’s operations are non-profit-making, but sometimes a year can surprise you in a positive way. In this case, the proceeds from Kipsari’s year are used to support student projects, and now in May 2023, after a break of several years, there is a 1000 euro I <3 Kipsari grant for all TOKYO student members to apply!

The awarding of the grant is decided by an authoritative jury consisting of TOKYO alumni – art and design professionals.

The grant can be applied for until Friday, June 2rd, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. Applications are submitted electronically via this form.

The application should include:

-A text section with a short description of the project for which the grant is applied for and the project budget, as well as the applicant’s information.

-Carefully selected A4-sized pictures/sketches from the project, max 5 pcs.

-CV and applications in the visual field include a max 10-page artist portfolio.

The following conditions apply to the granting of the grant:

The grant is awarded for the material costs of the artistic project of the student member/membersof TOKYO ry. The grant can only be distributed to TOKYO members, and TOKYO’s valid membership for 2022-2023 is checked when processing applications.

The grant cannot be used for salaries or allowances.

The grant can be distributed to one or more artistic projects.

The grant must be used for the purpose for which it was applied for. The recipient of the grant must submit a report on the use of the grant no later than three months after its use. The granted project must be completed within one year of the publication of the grant decision, and the grant can be reclaimed if it has not been used in accordance with the allocation criteria.

The original receipts and a breakdown of the actual use of the grant are attached to the reporting form. The form is delivered to the beneficiary after the grant release.

More information from TOKYO executive manager Anna Merikari, anna.merikari (at) ayy.fi

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