The students who completed a bachelor’s degree at Aalto University during 1.8. – 31.12.2013 are invited to participate in the student feedback survey in the beginning of March. The survey is to be conducted in all Finnish universities twice a year, and this autumn the survey will be held from 3 to 21 March. The survey can be answered online and a link will be sent by email to the graduates.
From 2015 onwards, the Ministry of Education and Culture is planning to distribute annually 3% (approx. € 50 million) of university core funding based on student feedback. In addition to the direct financial impact that the survey has, Aalto University will use the results of the feedback to develop education and support services for education.
The harmonised collection of student feedback from all universities meets the desire of student organisations for a national feedback process, which can be used to spur universities to make investments in the quality of education.