TOKYO members have three spaces to use at the Otaniemi campus: TOKYO Space in the Undergraduate Center, and the TOKYO Corner and Lounge in Väre.
The spaces are free for all ARTS students to use any time but for events we hope reservations through this form. If you are having problems with the form or don’t get a confirmation contact [email protected]. The confirmed reservations will be added to the reservation calendar. You can add it to your Google calendars here.
TOKYO acquires new furniture and equipment to TOKYO’s spaces every year so please share your ideas on what you would like to see at the spaces; your dearest wishes just might come true!
TOKYO Space is located in room Y139 in Y-wing, Undergraduate Center, next to Learning HUB. This is a free to use space for all the members of TOKYO. There you can enjoy a coffee, study, have a meeting or an event or just hang out. At TOKYO Space you can find a terrace that opens towards Väre, great kitchen to make lunch in and TOKYO’s service point! Like TOKYO Space in Facebook so you won’t miss out on anything.
TOKYO Corner and TOKYO Lounge
TOKYO’s Art Corner and Lounge are located in Väre’s basement under the stairs leading from the main lobby to Kipsari. These spaces are open to all ARTS students, and can be used for various purposes, e.g. holding meetings, just spending time or studying. They can also be booked for exhibition purposes. Both spaces are equipped with TVs and whiteboards.
Art Corner (K009) is meant especially for the use of ARTS’ smaller student associations, which lack their own spaces, to hold meetings and other gatherings.
TOKYO Lounge (K008) is located right next to Art Corner. Lounge is a cozy and peaceful space with couches, a microwave and coffee maker, as well as utensils. (If you use the latter, please clean them after use!) The space is perfect for taking a break in the midst of working or having a movie night with your friends.
To ensure all students can enjoy the spaces equally, please do not store your personal items at Corner or Lounge! Student associations can contact TOKYO separately for potential storage needs.