In the past couple of weeks TOKYOs everyday life has pretty much been one big celebration. During the last 14 days we’ve party hopped through Helsinki and Espooo. Now a little recap of what has been going on:
► StartARTS!, that was organized now for the third time, opened the academic year of ARTS-students. The party took place on Tuesday 26.8.2014 in Restaurant Boat Wäiski.
► A great atmosphere, beautiful party flags and the parties under bridges always work out well! Nice that there were so many exchange students and new students and old students as well! Also, the theme of Maskerad (The Bollywood Hospital) was revealed during the evening.
► Pictures from the event, taken by ever so sweet and talented Fanny Haga, can be found here.
► Aalto Party happened on Tuesday 2.9.2014 in Otaniemi.
► TOKYO, in the celebration of our newly revealed Maskerad-theme, participated by putting up a tent where our love gurus read people’s destinies straight out of their hands.
► TOKYOs board’s school politics responsible, Olli-Pekka Peltomäki of hearts, took captured the atmospheres of our little bazaar. See the pictures here.
► Kulta-Aika (in English “Golden Age“) was the first annual common picnic of art- and culture students of Helsinki metropolitan area. The event took place on Wednesday 3.9.2014.
► The celebration started with a picnic in Katri Vala’s park. The after party was held in Vapaan Taiteen Tila. Weather cherished the participants and art- and culture students got to spend one of the last days of summer together in the sunshine. New and old students got to know each other, and the party atmosphere was boosted by oh so fantastic face paintings and glitter decorations and live music.
► Party-Peltomäki brought his camera also to this event, see the results here.
And yet there is more to come! Now, when we have raised our glass for several times and reasons, it’s time to get on to some other businesses as well. Here are the uppermost ones of them, all of the rest can be found from our calendar.
► TOKYO is hosting its second Clothing Swap in our neighbourhood café, Kaffila Bokvillan on September 14th from 14 to 18!
► Bring along some clothes that you no longer wear but are in good condition and swap them for new ones!
► More info can be found here, Clothing Swap’s Facebook-event is here.
► First TOKYO International Food Fair ever is organized on Wednesday October 8th 2014 at 4pm. The dinner is served in the Art Department’s lobby (Arabia campus, 5th floor).
►The event is a massive potluck with flavors from everywhere in the world. The entrance free is just the own homemade dishes of TOKYO members!
► More info can be found here, Food Fair’s Facebook-event is here.
► ARTS Speed Meeting is an event TOKYO is arranging every now and then in collaboration with Aalto Media Factory. Next Speed Meeting will be held on Wednesday 9.10.2014.
► You’ll have two minutes to pitch your skills and a possible project to each fellow student before the seats are changed. After the introductions there’s time for some free mingling and refreshments.
► More info of the event can be found here, Speed Meeting’s Facebook-group is here. The event you can find from here and you can enroll here till 1.10.2014