International Food Fair

1450119_883337468343385_7525340423877140189_nIf we have an event that’s based on drinking, it makes more than just total sense that we also have one, that’s mainly focused on eating. Bon appétit!

International Food Fair is a dinner party where the TOKYO people from different cultures gather together to enjoy all types of homemade goodness. There probably isn’t a more pleasant way to get to know another’s country and culture than to be introduced to them via food, right?

The event, that is a massive potluck where the entrance free is just the own homemade dishes of TOKYO members, was invented by TOKYOs board’s international affairs responsible (Nina Chen) and chair person (Lurppa Haggren) of 2014.

First TOKYOs International Food Fair ever took place on 8.10.2014 and gathered bunch of great people and even greater dishes around the same table. As Food Fair was a success story since the very beginning, we’re expecting the next one to be organized in the near future.