TOKYOs Spring Sales -event is the little sister of our Christmas Sales. The main difference of these two is simply that Spring Sales happen in spring as Christmas Sales take place in the christmas times. Spring Sales also last only one day instead of three. Because of this the prizes of the sales tables are lower than in our wintery bazaar.
Otherwise the events are pretty similar. Also the Spring Sales happen in Arabia Campus’ Media Center Lume (Hämeentie 135c). Typically for TOKYOs sales the selection of the goods, representing TOKYO members’ skills in arts and handcrafts, is normally both wide and made of pure gold, with all the loving in the world. Traditionally also a café, held by TOKYO, has served a little bit of refreshment in the event.
Spring Sales normally take place during May. In the recent years TOKYO has sought to organize the Spring Sales at the very same time with Arabia Street Festival, so the whole neighborhood has basically been a huge carnival.