Apply to TOKYOs board for 2015!

Search for TOKYOs board for 2015 has started!

The new board will be chosen in TOKYOs General Meeting (aka “HUIPPUKOKOUS”) on Tuesday 25th of November.

To get to the board you don’t have to have any former experience of taking part to similar kind of activities. Neither you do not need to do any further measures, as long as you show up to the meeting. If you can’t make it to the meeting, you can express your willingness to join the board by e-mail ([email protected]) or, for example, to participate via Skype (this has actually happened before) (#mikkoakkola).

Board’s activities include weekly meetings, own responsible areas and a healthy dose of secret dominion. The meetings issues of common concern are discussed in the meetings and well, you’ll recognize the secret dominion when you get the taste of it. In the following we take a closer look to the sectors.

kopo international vpj viestintä tutorointi sopo sheryl pj Tiiker

Chair Person
The Chair Person decides what is the board‘s overall atmosphere and, via that, the whole spirit of TOKYOs (ie, if the board’s year consists of pönöttely” or “kreiseily“). Each year TOKYOs activities are what the chair person makes of them (current chair person, Lurppa Haggren of hearts, wants to point out that her year has so far been “crazy good“).
Chair person is like an elder sibling for the rest of the board. If TOKYOs board would be a group work (and like that it most of the time is) chair person would be the group leader.
The sources of big decision are where the chair person lays one’s head. This task is an excellent possibility to really get to affect on what happens in this school.
BONUS: Be a chair person, make kazillion new friends both in ARTS and Aalto in general.

Vice Chair
Can do many kinds of jobs. Scale between the formal and the informal is extensive.
The Vice Chair doesn’t have to freeze to one sector, but do work over their borders. So, if you do not have a clear dream sector, this may be the thing for you.
On the other hand the Vice Presidency is not the sector itself, that is, in this task by acting person can also choose to be very closely married to one particular sector

School Politics
School politics responsibles get the information of what is happening in this school. As we know, that’s kind of a special treat.
In this sector you’ll serve as a link between students and staff.
The worst of the stress peaks are missing from this sector as the nature of the work is rather continuous.
School politics people are the gatekeepers who take care that the school doesn’t let the students down.

Social Politics
Social politics job is 50/50. On the other hand you’ll sit in meetings and take action (eg, indoor air quality), on the other hand you’ll promote student well-being (parties and coffee).
In this business you can see everything, from blazers to the grass-roots!

Communication ensures that the TOKYOs board’s actions are visible.
In communications, it is also important to know how to listen.
You’ll pretty much get an access to the wonderland of internet and posters.
When the information flows, the members are aware of TOKYOs activities and everybody have more fun.
Communications responsibles traditionally are the coolest, most dynamic, most fantastic, most glamorous, most cherished, most wonderful, most exciting, the most beautiful, glamorous, absurd, most brilliant, most competent, the purest in heart, most lovable, most soulful, uu so the most amazing, wildestmost understanding, brightest, and uh, well, in general, the best types of the board (such as the author of this text).
In many respects, many have sighted communications as the most challenging and relevant sector of the board.

Tutoring and new students
Tutorsector is the first to meet the new students and is like a mother hen for them like a mother hen, welcoming the freshmen to ARTS.
The responsible of this area also gets to affect on how the first school weeks of the freshmen are.
You’ll get experience as well from controlling the biiger view as from organizing parties.
In addition, you’ll get to see how the school works.

Sheryls bear the main responsibility of TOKYOs most important events (such as the Christmas Sales and Maskerad).
In other words, if anywhere, it’s in this business, where you’ll learn how to organize events.
Gain experience from both, taking care of the big events and dealing with the professional side.
It’s the parties where people meet, so through their work Sheryls take care that the student community of ARTS will be tighter.

International Affairs
The international affairs person brings the Finnish and the international students together.
The hasn’t been a lot happening in this sector before the year 2014, so the one who will take care of this responsibility area in 2015 really has all the possibilities of the planet to make the actions look like oneself.
International affairs person both organizes events (such as TOKYOs Lapland Trip) and promotes celebrations organized by Sheryls for the international students.
In this business you get to meet a lot of new people, with truly wide range and international scale.

More information about the sectors is available in the following places:
Read these through.
Check out what has been going on in current board’s post-it parties.
► Send e-mail to [email protected].
Or be in contact striaght to the person(s) that takes care of your dream sector at the moment.

See you in the General Meeting
, TOKYOs Board

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