Degree reform proceeds, courses will be renewed

Degree reform event_251113
Degree reform event took place on November 25th

On Thursday 21th of November where the transition rule to new degrees decided at ARTS academic committee. BA degrees have 1.8.2014–31.10.2016 time to transit to new degrees and MA 1.8.2014–31.10.2015.


The degree reform will affect your studies. Most of the courses next fall will be new as the new degrees starts. Old and new teaching won’t be taught at the same time because the resources.

Do you have a PSP? – If your answer was no, it’s time that you get one! Personal Study Plan (PSP) helps you plan your studies as your degree structure requires you to complete them.

Contents of the new courses and learning goals will clear up during March-April 2014. At the same time will the substitutive/compensatory courses be clarified (which new courses will replace olds). Soon after this the intention is that students get their own PSPs by doing it by themselves or with study coordinators.

So, fall 2014 will the course entities be quite fully reformed. Planning process is still fully on progress and now till April is the hottest hot time to affect on what the new contents and goals will be in the new degrees. You have the chance to affect on these things, so do apply in work groups where these things are planned!


Apply for work groups and for student representative by 30.11.!


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