Arts Speed Meeting wed 19.2.14 – Sign up by 12th of February!

speed_meeting_19_2_14_banneriArts Speed Meeting on February 19th is the place to be, whether you’re looking for someone to work with or just want to take a look at what and who is out there. Sign up and come join us! The event was widely popular last fall, and now we’re bringing it back with tweaks to make it even better!

You’ll have two minutes to pitch your skills and a possible project to each fellow student before the seats are changed. You can also bring a small portfolio to aid you in your presentation. After the introductions (15 ×2 minutes in total) there’s time for some free mingling and refreshments.

Sign up here by FEBRUARY 12TH. Please note that in order for the event to work, the amount of participants is limited, and therefore the sign-up is binding. If it so happens that you cannot come after all, let us know as soon as possible, so we can give your seat to next in line. The participants will be contacted on February 13th to confirm your spot either on the event or in the line.

The event starts with an organized meeting round, therefore we kindly ask everyone to come on time. The latecomers are welcome to stay for the free mingling at the end of the event, although we cannot accommodate you to the meeting round after it has already started. Enrolling to the event starts at 16:00, and the event itself at 16:30, so please come early to give us enough time for the enrolment!

The Speed Meeting is organized by Aalto Media Factory & Student Association TOKYO

More information and enrollment:

ARTS Speed Meeting -group in facebook!

Speed Meeting event 19.2. in facebook!

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