Whatever the future holds for TOKYO members (or ARTS students, whatsoever), you’ll find it right over here. Parties, discussion events and everything in between, s’il vous plaît!
If there’s something essential missing, would it be a rave party of your student organization or opening night of the best exhibition ever, please let us know by e-mailing us: viestinta (at) tokyo.fi
In case you ended up here, but were originally willing to find more information of TOKYOs Design calendar, click here.
(Summary of exhibitions that either happen in ARTS or are made by ARTS’s students can be found below)
on Thursday 12th
on Sunday 15th
on Tuesday 17th
from Tuesday 17th to Thursday 19th
Monday 23th
on Monday 2nd
on Thursday 5th
from Wednesday 18th to Monday 23rd
on Thursday 19th
- ♡ What’s going on ARTS? (from 16 to 18)
15.10. – ∞ LIGHT UP // Otaniemi // (the winner of last year’s I ♥ Kipsari -grant!)
30.1. – 22.2. Heta Saukkonen, Powyłamywanymi // Gallery Hippolyte
15.2. – 26.2. Frozen species // Oransi / Eskus