As a TOKYO member you can get many different member benefits with TOKYO’s shiny silvery sticker. All of the TOKYO benefits, whether they be advisory or some fancy discounts, belong also to alumni- and supporting members.
♡ The greatest of TOKYO’s membership benefits is love. It may sound a bit cheesy, but it’s still true. Student advocacy and the well-being of our members and ARTS in general are the main purposes of TOKYO’s existence. TOKYO is in between. It has more authority than the other student organizations of ARTS; however, it’s much closer to the everyday lives of our students than AYY. The more we have members, the more we have voice and resources. By joining TOKYO you’ll be supporting the greater good for our school.
♡ TOKYO’s design-calendar / notebook is probably the most visible member benefit of ours. The book is published yearly and it’s been published by TOKYO since 1975. The designer of each year’s calendar is selected with a competition. Since 2018 the calendar /notebook has been done with co-operation with AYY.
♡ Kipsari is granting student projects together with TOKYO, every year Kipsari makes a profit. As a TOKYO member you are eligible to apply for the I ♡ Kipsari grant. The grant has been as big as 1500€!
♡ Torso, aka the coolest magazine in the universe owned by TOKYO, is free for our members. Torso is published four times a year and it can be found from Kipsari and TOKYOs service point. Read more about Torso here.
♡ TOKYO ry can also grant applications for discretionary project allowance for the students and student associations of Aalto ARTS. The grant decisions are made by TOKYO’s board. More info about the grants can be found here.
♡ ARTS student card entitles you to many student benefits from art museums and special art shops. Always remember to ask for discount, cause, well, you never know.
♡ Art students can get a year card for states museums, with a price of 14 €. It’s valid for one year from the day of purchase, in Ateneum, Kiasma and Sinebrychoff museums.
♡ Besides of all this, as a TOKYO member you can get discounts from many shops, bars and museums. Below you can see the full list of TOKYO’s member benefits (from 2019) – we’re working on updating the benefit list, so let us know what’s your favourite!
- Alessi Shop // -10% discount
- Arteljee // -10% discount
- ARTS publications // –20% discount
- Comic book center // -10% discount from products and courses for lower price
- EDEL City // -10% discount from normal priced products
- Ekokauppa Ruohonjuuri // -5% discount from normal priced products
- Enestam kauppa oy // -10% discount
- Fasaani Antiikki // -10% discount
- Finlayson Arabia: // -10% discount
- Harri Syrjänen // -10% discount
- Helsingin Taidehalli // pro-card 14€
- Iittala Store Esplanadi // -10% discount
- Kino Engel // ticket price 6,50 € (normal 9€)
- Liike // -10% discount
- Musamaailma // – 8% discount from normal priced products Musamaailma has imported
- Oz Jewel // -10% discount
- Pohjanmaan museo // -10% discount in museum shop
- RTV-yhtymä // -5-38% discount from products
- Satkar // -10% discount from à la carte
- Taidemaalariliiton taidetarvikkeet // -20% discount
- Taito-magazine // 25 € / 6kk / 3 numbers (normal 29€)
- Tempera // -10-20% discount
- Villisilkki // -10% discount
Psst: Do you have some ideas of other places where you’d like to get discount as a TOKYO member? Tell us! Contact TOKYO’s executive manager ([email protected]) or the board ([email protected]) and we’ll see what we can do to make to make your member benefit dreams come true![:]