Kino Sheryl opening parties: first part

Kino Sheryl

Please behold the long expected party, as Kino Sheryl open s its doors to those nearest and dearest to her!

TOKYO ry’s new cinematheque has been built with astonishing speed, spirit and vision. Now it is time to reward our lovely community and offer a special night to all Aalto ARTS students FRIDAY, FEBRUARY THE 20TH – just among us friends!

We commence
18:00 with Heidi Lindéns (ELO Film School Helsinki) short film “Premiere”
and continue effortlessly to
Pawel Pawlikowski’s “Ida”

20:00ish we shall hear the live performance of
“Shotgun Club”

And yes, there shall be beer.

Gather your besties and beasties and join with us for a night of spectacular fun and spectacular cinema!

Yours, Sheryl

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