TOKYO’s General Meeting

Each and every one of TOKYO’s members has some power to affect on the actions of our dear student association. The easiest opportunity to use this power is either in General- or Spring Meeting of TOKYO. The General Meeting takes place in the end of the year and, as one might figure out, Spring Meeting during the springtime.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: Although “the meeting” may sound a bit official and dull as a word, TOKYO wants to make sure that even these more formal events of ours represent TOKYO’s members and -spirit. That is to say, we do our best to make them as fun and approachable as ever possible. So fear not, be lion-hearted and come along!

The General Meeting is the decision-making body of TOKYO which elects its next board and also makes the other Most Important Decisions for the Following Year.

Ten board members and the chairperson are selected by voting at the meeting. Their period of rule lasts from January to December (although there is, of course, the summer holidays). All TOKYO members who are present in the meeting are allowed to vote.

If you are interested in applying for the board, there will certainly be more information in this very web page ( as well as our social media each year by the point when General Meeting starts to loom in the horizon.

The other Most Important Decisions for the Following Year mean sifting through TOKYOs action plan (what’s gonna happen next year) and budget for the upcoming year. The actual decisions are fixed at the meeting, but you’re also very welcome to mail your thoughts and wishes for the next year for TOKYOs board in advance ([email protected]).

After the hyper official part the decisions made in the meeting are usually sealed with bubbly drinks (yay party).