TOKYO General Spring Meeting, this Wednesday 14th of May!

Dear TOKYO member!

TOKYO Student Association of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture invites you to its Spring Meeting on Wed 14.5.2014 at 4.15pm to the TOKYO HUB, our common livingroom in Kipsari corridor.

The well-known fact is that the general meeting is the highest authority in all TOKYO matters. Every TOKYO member is equal in the meeting.

Among other important things (such as the closing of the accounts) the spring meeting will also decide on TOKYOs values and 3 year strategy. For this we invite you, dear TOKYO member to debate and decide on what are the real values and actions of TOKYO!

The meeting is a good place to come to ask questions and discuss the current issues in ARTS! It is also the perfect opportunity to come to have some snacks and enjoy refreshments in good company, so you can arrive even before the official opening of the meeting.

And – TOKYOs board has decided to have a party after the meeting!


16.15 – gathering @ TOKYO Hub, starters and refreshments, chitchat
16.30 Opening of the spring meeting
Closing of the meeting


Warmly welcome!
TOKYOs board

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