Mega-bow-wow-boyaa! TOKYO livebloggin’ team in da houze tomorrow, everybody!

tumblr_lkb9a9pjna1qdhcuko1_r1_1280The magnificent communications team of TOKYOs board is going to do some live blogging tomorrow in our General Meeting.

The results of the blogging will be gathered up together to after the event, but you will reach the most authentic live blogging feeling by following it in action. The live blogging will happen in Twitter and Instagram. Click the links and follow TOKYO if you haven’t done it yet. Because we’re the coolest. Or something.

The official hashtag of the event is #HUIPPUKOKOUZ

Most of the blogging will happen in Finnish, but we promise to do our best to also give some entertainment for our international audience.  

The Gener…. what?! Ok, sweetie, read more here.
The new board of TOKYO will be decided in the meeting. More info about that here.
The Facebook-event of General Meeting is here.

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