Each year TOKYO holds at least two general meetings. These meetings differ from the Board’s meetings thereby, that all members of the association have the right to vote in them. Decisions for which board’s decision-making power is not enough are also made in the general meetings.
This text outlines TOKYOs Spring Meeting, that takes place in the end of each school year. The general meeting, that makes makes the galaxies explode in the end of each year, is simply known as the General Meeting and you can read more about it from here.
So, at the Spring Meeting we will go through the events and heroic deeds that have happened during the first half of TOKYOs year. Also, if needed, the completion of TOKYOs board takes place in the meeting (if there are places that are going to be vacant in this center of power and beauty – sometimes there are and sometimes there are not). Moreover, the annual report of the last year (more events and heroic deeds) will be sifted through, after which the last year’s board will be granted with the freedom of responsibility.
Does that sound a bit too dead-alike and official? Don’t worry, because after all we’re talking about TOKYO, the student association of hearts, here! Although we have to go through some certain mandatory stuff in the meeting, we strive with all of our hearts and minds and to sincerely provide our members as gentle meeting experience as ever possible. Furthermore, it feels very important to mention, that many kind of snacks have normally been served in the meeting. And after the official part we’ve raised a glass or two.