TOKYO fights against indoor air problems!

sisäilmaTOKYOs board is constantly doing its best for the wellbeing of fellow students (and other ARTS people)!

The indoor air problems are always one of the biggest worries in our school and, even though the reason for those isn’t just the way we use the workshops, we should pay attention to the following things. This way we can make sure that at least we won’t make the indoor air sufferers feel any worse. The following instruction was given for TOKYO by the Aalto ARTS Property Services.

1) When you are working at the workshops please close the door always after you! Having the doors open disturbs the system and the air doesn’t flow as it should. This causes problems.

2) Though we love to recycle, please do not carry old furniture inside of the school. It sounds crazy to point these kind of things out, but the dusts of the old furniture have an effect on the indoor air quality. And apparently this has happened. Let’s make sure it won’t happen again.

By paying attention to these things we can also make sure that no one will have any misunderstandings about students causing more problems with the indoor air issues.

TOKYO thanks you for the co-operation. And remember: if you are having any problems with indoor air, please do not hesitate to ask us!

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