TOKYOs own movie theater – could it be true?

ylim.yhdistyskokous271014Oh yes indeed! In case the TOKYO members want this to happen, it truly is possible to open our own movie theater in Arabia.

Together with Aalto ARTS and the Department of Film, Television and Scenography TOKYO has been preparing the starting of a movie theater business, run by students, in Media Center Lume. The best way to do this – without students taking personal financial risks – is to operate under a Limited format (Ltd.) company. As the decision is too important and big for TOKYO’s board members to make on our own, we will be hosting an extra Association meeting for making final decisions on this matter on Monday 27.10.2014 in TOKYO Lounge at 4.30 pm. Coffee, tea, tokyolove and some snacks will be served already 4pm.

In case you aren’t exactly used to starting new companies or too familiar with movie theater business, don’t you worry! Before making any decisions we will go through every detail and Ilmari Arnkil, who has been in charge of preparing the plans, is there to answer all the questions that might pop up!

Here you have everything in the tiniest nutshell:
– TOKYO could use the premises and facilities of Media Center Lume to run this movie theater business
– The business plan has been made together with ELO professor Aleksi Bardy and Lume staff
– The idea is to show movies for larger audience during weekends and holidays, more experimental stuff during weekdays
– There would be one part-time worker, who would be in charge of choosing the films and other practical stuff
– Also hour based work offered for students during the shows
– It would be also possible for people outside the company (for example student organizations) to have their own events in the movie theater
– The company would have its own board, which members would be chosen every year

We are sorry for the short notice (still long enough according to the rules, of course)!  It is what it is because of our wish to make all this come true before the end of the year! Because of this fast schedule we accidentally had a wrong place in the official invitation; the meeting is indeed in TOKYO Lounge, not Hub (there will be another event at the same day, woopsie).

If the members decide to start this new company, we will also discuss about the name of the company (we need to have three options when applying for registration, you can give your awesome ideas here), the composition of the first board of the company and naming the auditors.

So see you on Monday, with exciting decisions!

<3: TOKYOs board

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