It’s time to vote for the teacher of the year!

opekuvitusWe’ve heard that You know a teacher, who is influental in ARTS, technically perfect, knows pedagogical magic tricks from top to bottom and just keeps on giving you learning experiences and blowing your mind in every single lecture of his/hers you attend to.

Uncover this person’s identity for us! We’re, of course, talking about TEACHER OF THE YEAR-ballot, in which you can take part either right over here or in our concrete voting point, which is located in front of Lounge.

We pretty rarely get the change to truly thank them, who educate us to face the reality outside of ARTS’s walls. That is exactly why TOKYO wants once again to give some glory and honor for the teacher who seems to deserve them the most.

You can give us your vote during May (1.-30.5.). The winner of the ballot will be uncovered in ARTS’s Spring Publiikki (13.6. in Sampo-sali).

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