Kipsari feedback questionnaire

The studen1959266_754669494543517_744528797_nts of Aalto ARTS own Kipsari through Student Association TOKYO. The purpose of Kipsari is to provide the ARTS community a service that best suits its wishes, needs and values.

After the informational beginning we’d like to ask you a question: Could something else be imporoved in Kipsari as well?

Please help us in creating an even better student restaurant by answering Kipsari feedback questionnaire. It won’t take more than couple of ridiculous minutes and the data gathered through this questionnaire will help us in developing the existing Kipsari as well as building a new Kipsari in Otaniemi in the future.

This might be a bit of cliche, but your opinion really matters to us. Earlier customer feedback has brought Nintendo-corner and Kukkotunnit to Kipsari, for example. Thank you <3.