Get your Maskerad-mood on in Bollywood Cinema.


On Tuesday 30.09.2014 TOKYOs board organized the very first Bollywood Cinema as part of the Aalto Well-being week.

The intention was that the cinema would be a one-time only event, but because of Om Shanti Om was simply a great movie and popcorn tasted so good, we feel like we’re everything but not finished yet.

(Add to this, that the more one watches Bollywood films, the more one will learn Bollywood-styled dance moves.)

So, as you probably guessed, more Bollywood Cinemas are coming up on 10.06.2014, 20.10.2014 and 27.10.2014.

ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION! The screening of October 27th has been cancelled due to TOKYOs extra general meeting! Sorry! But come to that meeting!

All of the screenings will be placed in TOKYO Hub, each of them will start at 19:00 (or maybe couple of minutes after that), and none of them costs anything.

Also, we promise to bring you some popcorn. And, what’s more, we promise not to burn the popcorn (or at least we’ll try not to, the microwave owen of Lounge is a little bit unpredictable). Movie selections will be announced later later and, hey, all of you pretty things are super warmly welcomed.

मेरे दिल डिस्को के दर्द से भरा है !