WHAT’S GOING ON ARTS -event in Otaniemi 24.11

Okay! Once again the time has come to raise the tin foil hat from one’s head and gather together to think about what is it that is going on in ARTS????!!

Is there lack of clarity in your studies? Do you not know our school’s decision-making personnel? Doubts about the future in Otaniemi? Are we getting new neighbors? Where’s our library going? WHAT??

On Wednesday 24.11 (16.00pm) WHAT’S GOING ON ARTS -event collects under the same (Otaniemi) roof the students as well as the experts and decision-making persons of ARTS to discuss the troubling and acute matters. Hot buzz of conversation is going on about for example campus development and academic affairs. On the spot there will be present celebrity-like persons from Dean Anna Valtonen to academic affairs chief Leena Koskinen and everything in between. They are ready to answer your questions and discuss them side by side on an equal footing with the students. Just the best !!!!!

So come (it’s the most important thing), and bring with you all of your questions, joys and sorrows. Let’s talk about them together ♥

SEE YOU! kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1487431974898233/

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