TOKYO välittää viestiä Media Factorylta muulle ARTS-universumille. Kyseessä on Electronics for Artists-kurssi, joka kokoontuu keskiviikkoisin 12:00-12:30 Media Factorylta löytyvässä Aalto FabLabissa. Kurssi on englanninkielinen, eikä sinne tarvitse ilmoittautua erikseen. Jokainen sessio on itsenäinen, joten mukaan voi hypätä milloin vain. Ilmaiseksi!
”In Electronics for Artists you will be acquainted with some of the electronics components, measurement devices and small amount of theory wherever it is needed. You will learn how to design a circuit board, how to make a PCB and how to solder the components on that. After being familiar with measurement devices you will also learn how to test and debug your boards.In each session we are going to do a small project together. We will start from very easy ones.
Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday 16th of October at 12 in Aalto Fablab.
No signing up is necessary, just come on over
Contact our Electronics Studio Master Ali for details”
Lisätietoa löytyy täältä.