Time to update the TOKYOs insurance for accidents

ensiapuboxi-tapaturmaThe insurance is valid for the semester from 1.10. to 30.9. and you can get it for 15€. The insurance covers accidents happened during leisure time and studying, as well as traveling. It covers treatment costs until 17 000€ (deductible sum is 0 €).

You can pay the insurance to TOKYOs Service Point (Arabia center, 3rd floor, together with OOP Student Services, open on Mon & Fri 12 – 14, Tue – Thu 12 – 15 ) or you can pay it directly to TOKYO’s account in which case you need to pay 15€ to this account:

Taideteollisen korkeakoulun ylioppilaat TOKYO ry

OP: 554223-20248735

Write on the message section: insurance, your full name and your Finnish social security number. Then send an e-mail to this address: anna.merikari( at ) aalto.fi as a confirmation, with your name, social security number and the payment date on it.

You need to be TOKYO’s member to for the insurance so make sure that you have paid the 8 € membership fee for this semester. You can pay the fee in the office, or to the bank account above (message; membership fee + full name).

Note; You can take the insurance only if you have a residency in Finland and a Finnish social security number. You need to be covered by the Finnish social security system for the insurance.

More info from TOKYO’s office and TOKYOs website: http://tokyo.fi/jasenedut/tapaturmavakuutus/?lang=en

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