Indoor air problems in Arabia campus

Aalto ARTS is arranging an info-event about the indoor air problems on Arabia campus; it’s school’s responsibility to inform and find solutions to the problem. The event is on wednesday 17th October, at 4pm in room 5022, in new premises of the Art department, 5th floor.

In the meantime, we provide guidance, as health and difficulties in studies are really acute problems.

When you experience the indoor air problems in school:

– Tell about it in your degree program: the staff should be able to guide the students.

– Contact Student Services (OOP). Pulmu Föhr-Siltavuori is a responsible of the untrammeled studies. There is an application form for a personal study plan with health problems. Contact: pulmu.fohr-siltavuori ( ät )

– FSHS. Finnish Student Health Service is there to help students with study related health problems. They also keep log on campus-related symptoms, so they can give their statement in indoor team.

– Aalto has its own indoor air working group. The working group takes every email about the indoor air into their agenda. Send a message to: sisailma (at)

– TOKYO also collects information about the problems and helps students in their problems concerning studies. TOKYO also act in indoor air working groups of ARTS and Aalto. Contact: tokyo ( ät )