Important info about moving of ARTS (so read this!)

Important message from Aalto ARTS about moving

ARTS migration is approaching: emptying of the premises has started

The migration of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture ARTS to the new Väre building in Otaniemi campus is taking steps further during spring. It requires preparatory work from all ARTS people on the Arabia campus as well as in Otaniemi.


During the spring, students and staff will also be provided with opportunities to discuss more in detail the working facilities in Väre and Otaniemi, as well as the practicalities of the moving. The dates will be given out soon.


Storage of material only in permitted areas

Students are allowed to store their personal belongings only in a locker or other storage designated to them by their own department. Materials such as course works or project works are not permitted to be stored anywhere other than designated and approved storage locations. Everything found elsewhere will be destroyed during the final cleaning week and moving. Check the storages assigned to you at your department.

Current premises will be emptied

Start reducing the amount of your materials immediately in order to get your own important items saved. All personal items, tools, materials, works etc. that are left in the university premises at the end of the spring term 2018 will be destroyed and will not be transferred when moving. Aalto University, according to its strategy, will reduce its premises by a third by year 2020. In the new Otaniemi premises there is very little space for material storage.


For emptying the ARTS facilities the final cleaning week will be organized February 12-16. During the last cleaning week, the ARTS premises on both Arabia and Otaniemi campus will be emptied of all other materials except those that will be taken to the new Otaniemi premises.


During the cleaning week, students and staff must empty all workspaces, teaching rooms and warehouses from unnecessary materials. It is also necessary to remove any materials that may be stored there by the graduates. All items found outside the designated and approved storage areas will be disposed during the cleaning week and moving.


The workshops will close in May

All workshops in Arabia campus, Aalto Art House, Miestentie and Sähkömiehentie will be closed on Friday, May 25, 2018 at 4.00 pm. After that, students will no longer have access to these workshops and the material left there will be destroyed.


The Otaniemi premises

ARTS will migrate to three sites in Otaniemi: the Väre building (MA teaching, 3rd year Bachelors, researchers and studios) and to Otakaari 1, A-wing (1st and 2nd year Bachelors) and Metallimiehenkuja 4. Early 2017 also Aalto Studios moved into Otakaari 7.

In addition to the operations in Arabia campus also the already existing ARTS operations in Otaniemi will be migrating to the Väre building: Media and Architecture from Miestentie 3, Aalto Art House operations at Lämpömiehenkuja 3, and ELO at Otakaari 7. The migration will take place in phases, and the current Arabia campus, Miestentie 3 and Aalto Art House will be left for good in summer 2018.



The cleaning weeks:


Take care of your personal belongings:


Checklist for the ARTS migration:


Instructions to clear out the spaces:




The logistics team:


Otaniemi campus and Väre:

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