Joulumyyjäiset Väreessä 25.-27.11. – pöydät varattavissa

TOKYO is going to hold the Christmas Sales 2022 in Väre on November 25-27th. Now we have opened the booking form. The Xmas Sales is a three-days event organised by TOKYO, with nearly 50 shops opening. You can sell your paintings, potteries, accessories or whatever you made.

This time, you need to pay for the table fee at the time of registration. Those who register earlier would be provided tables at the Väre lobby.

[Event Information]
・Date: November 25-27th, 17:00-20:00 (Fri), 10:00-17:00 (Sat, Sun).
・Place: Väre
・Price for the table: 50€ for (students) / 100€ (alumni)
・Application deadline: 21.10 (Fri).
・Application link:

The table booking is open to any TOKYO member. If you are a newcomer or have any questions–What will it look like? What should be sold? What is the size of the table? Check the details here.

Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Joulumyyjäiset Väreessä 25.-27.11. – pöydät varattavissa