Poster Competition, Maskerad 2018

This fall TOKYO celebrates its 57th birthday in the most magical of ways. We are looking for someone to visualize the theme of this year’s Maskerad “Fairytale Forest Fire” into a poster. The posters will be used as one of our main advertising tools for the Maskerad and spread far and wide around our campus. Once a Maskerad poster is printed it will forever remain as an archived piece of TOKYO’s history.

Contest rules

1 Contest duration and right of participation

The contest begins on the 4th of September and ends on the 17th of September 2018 at 3pm (15:00). All students of Aalto University have the right to participate in the contest.

2 Submissions

Submit your poster proposal via email to TOKYO’s executive manager Tero Uuttana [email protected]. The email should include the following:

  • Attached PDF of the poster without personal details, as the proposals will be processed anonymously.
  • Include your personal information in the email’s message field.
  • Write ‘Poster Competition’ as the topic of the email.

3 Framework for the Poster

Size: A2

Technique: free

Info the poster must include:

  • Maskerad 2018 (name of the party)
  • Fairytale forest fire (the theme)
  • 27.10.2018 (the date)
  • Kellohalli (the venue)
  • 12€/15€ (ticket price for TOKYO members/nonmembers)

At the visual evaluation of the proposals, the following are also considered:

  • Communicating the theme of the party
  • Innovation/uniqueness of the idea
  • Overall coolness

4 Choosing the winner

TOKYO’s board will choose the winner in their meeting held on Monday 17.9.2018

5 Contents of the design work

Once the winner is decided he/she will be in charge of finalizing the poster (adding sponsor logos etc.) and designing a printable ticket and a Facebook-banner for the Maskerad party fitting to the look of the poster.

6 Rewards

For their design work the winner will receive a reward of 250€ and two (2) tickets to the Maskerad party held on Saturday 27.10.2018. The candidates who place second and third will also receive two (2) tickets each.

7 Schedule

4.9. Competition begins

17.9. Deadline for the submissions 15:00

17.9. Winner will be decided, all contestants are contacted

17.9.-30.9. Poster and tickets will be finalized and sent to the printing company. FB-banner is completed.

6.10. The new poster will be revealed to the public at TOKYO’s Maskerad history Display as a part of the Otaniemi Night of Arts.

8 Other things to consider

If you have questions regarding the competition, please contact [email protected]