This fall TOKYO celebrates its 57th birthday in the most magical of ways. We are looking for someone to visualize the theme of this year’s Maskerad “Fairytale Forest Fire” into a poster. The posters will be used as one of our main advertising tools for the Maskerad and spread far and wide around our campus. Once a Maskerad poster is printed it will forever remain as an archived piece of TOKYO’s history.
Contest rules
1 Contest duration and right of participation
The contest begins on the 4th of September and ends on the 17th of September 2018 at 3pm (15:00). All students of Aalto University have the right to participate in the contest.
2 Submissions
Submit your poster proposal via email to TOKYO’s executive manager Tero Uuttana [email protected]. The email should include the following:
- Attached PDF of the poster without personal details, as the proposals will be processed anonymously.
- Include your personal information in the email’s message field.
- Write ‘Poster Competition’ as the topic of the email.
3 Framework for the Poster
Size: A2
Technique: free
Info the poster must include:
- Maskerad 2018 (name of the party)
- Fairytale forest fire (the theme)
- 27.10.2018 (the date)
- Kellohalli (the venue)
- 12€/15€ (ticket price for TOKYO members/nonmembers)
At the visual evaluation of the proposals, the following are also considered:
- Communicating the theme of the party
- Innovation/uniqueness of the idea
- Overall coolness
4 Choosing the winner
TOKYO’s board will choose the winner in their meeting held on Monday 17.9.2018
5 Contents of the design work
Once the winner is decided he/she will be in charge of finalizing the poster (adding sponsor logos etc.) and designing a printable ticket and a Facebook-banner for the Maskerad party fitting to the look of the poster.
6 Rewards
For their design work the winner will receive a reward of 250€ and two (2) tickets to the Maskerad party held on Saturday 27.10.2018. The candidates who place second and third will also receive two (2) tickets each.
7 Schedule
4.9. Competition begins
17.9. Deadline for the submissions 15:00
17.9. Winner will be decided, all contestants are contacted
17.9.-30.9. Poster and tickets will be finalized and sent to the printing company. FB-banner is completed.
6.10. The new poster will be revealed to the public at TOKYO’s Maskerad history Display as a part of the Otaniemi Night of Arts.
8 Other things to consider
If you have questions regarding the competition, please contact [email protected]