What’s Going on ARTS?
Kevään What’s Going on ARTS? -tapahtuma järjestettiin 11.4. Miestentie 3:n kahviossa Otaniemessä. Keskustelutilaisuus keräsi ARTSin opiskelijoita, johtoa sekä muuta henkilökuntaa jakamaan ajatuksia ajankohtaisista aiheista.
The main presentation was held by Tapio Koskinen from ARTS Infra. Tapio presented the new premises from the workshops to where the different departments will be located. You can find the slides of Tapio’s presentation through this Dropbox-link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9jruzhg3v20kdss/ARTS_infra_WgoARTS_11042018.pdf?dl=0
ARTS in Otaniemi
ARTS will have spaces in Väre, Otakaari 1, Otakaari 7, Vuorimiehentie 2, Maarintie 8, Sähkömiehentie 4 and Metallimiehenkuja 4. The 1st and 2nd year bachelor students will be located in the old department of Architecture in Otakaari 1 X. ELO will continue to have their workshops and studios in Otakaari 7 even though most of the teaching will move to Väre and Otakaari 1. The old architecture workshop in Metallimiehenkuja 4 will be turned into a workshop serving the whole school. The wood workshops will specialize in larger scale projects while the workshops of Väre will serve projects smaller scale than small furniture. ARTS will also have some facilities in Vuorimiehentie 2 for print making and book binding and also in TUAS building for cinema. The glass workshop has found its home finally in Sähkömiehentie 4 in the future Aalto Works block where Design Factory and Urban Mill will move to.

The main piece of conversation was Väre. The complex consists of three parts A-Block which houses the metro center and a shopping mall, Väre which houses the school of ARTS and Maarintie 13 which houses the school of BIZ. Even with the different names and entrances with different addresses all these three parts are connected. You can basically take the escalators up from the metro, go by the Alko in the shopping mall, walk through the school of ARTS and make your way through Kipsari to the side of school of business.

Aalto Shop
Services next door are a big asset and something that will hopefully change the whole Otaniemi area. Next to the entrance from A-Block to Väre there will be a brand new Aalto-Shop greeting the visitors. In addition to the now classic “Made in Aalto University” -sweaters the shop will focus on selling students’ production. TOKYO is collaborating with Aalto-Shop and helping them scout student work to go on sale. In Spring Sales of this year students had a chance to get their work picked to the Aalto-Shop. This collaboration is an exciting new way of opening possibilities for our students to promote their work and further their career. Someone can get a nice summer job out of producing more of their work for the shop opening in August. Above all this is a great way to showcase the great things that are done in Aalto ARTS and promote our students’ work also outside the university.
The new building for ARTS is a huge complex but luckily the architecture makes finding your way inside the building easy. Instead of endless corridors like in Arabia the school is built in modules that surround big lobbies. These lobbies are multiple stories in height and open so that there is visual connection between the different floors. The stories are also connected diagonally by stairs rising through the lobbies. In the middle of each lobby there are so called “work cafés” for casual working, taking a break and meeting others.
The first floor houses the departments of Art, Media and ELO and most of the lecture rooms of the building. In the second floor is department of Design with some shared teaching spaces and in the third floor department of Architecture and research facilities. Learning Services will have their offices in every floor in connection to the departments. The new offices will come with new ways of working. When you want to meet your study coordinator you don’t go to the door of their office anymore but rather book an appointment through a new online service and meet the coordinator in one of the project rooms in the building. LES ARTS will also have an office in the Otakaari 1 A-wing to serve the 1st and 2nd year bachelor students.

The workshops are located in the basement. The new workshops will be high class and serving the whole school. In the basement you can find everything you need from textile and ceramics to wood and metal workshops. There will also be new photography studios and a small screening room for ELO students to help in the transition phase while waiting the new Aalto Studios building to be built across the street.

In the heart of everything in the basement will be our dear institution of arts students, the TOKYO owned student restaurant Kipsari <3. Kipsari will serve it’s meals and drinks right next to the workshops. The dining hall will be a bit larger than the previous one in Arabia and the high space opens also to upper floors. There will be a balcony overlooking the dining hall from the 1st floor which will help extending the Kipsari capacity for concerts for example. The dining hall is also connected outside and there will be a cozy terrace in the courtyard snuggled between the business school and textile workshops. If we are not mistaken this courtyard is the one where TOKYO planted a cherry tree in the construction opening celebrations in 2016
Floating licences
The idea of floating licenses attracted lots of interest among students. The concept is that any student can access the softwares needed for their studies remotely on their own laptop. Students can basically take over computers remotely on their own laptops which enables you to use the most demanding 3D-modelling softwares even without having a proper computer of your own. The computers can be accessed through the Aalto network. Some concerns were raised on the efficiency of the system and problems caused by bad connection etc. Still this is at least a step in providing students with tools to work and study without having to invest hundreds of euros in computers and licences.
ARTS Move Celebrations
But what will actually happen in the fall when we arrive to Otaniemi? TOKYO shared the students’ plans for the moving celebrations in What’s Going on ARTS? You can follow all things ARTS Move now through TOKYO’s website under the title “ARTS Move”. The projects and new information will be revealed there.
During the Spring TOKYO held perhaps the last ever Spring Sales in the Lume hall and held and epic funeral for Kipsari on 25.5. Now it is time to look to the future and new life in Otaniemi. There will be changes and new ways of working and studying. But don’t worry, ARTS will arrive with style.

Kipsari Rebirth (End of August)
By the looks of it Kipsari is to open in Väre at the end of August. When this new incarnation comes alive TOKYO will make it known in Otaniemi.
TOKYO goes Night of the Arts (23.8.)
Helsinki festival culminates in the Night of the Arts when the whole city will be taken over by art installations and performances. TOKYO will have a presence in the event and spread knowledge of Aalto ARTS to the city. Do you have a great idea for Night of the Arts but need the resources to make it reality? This is your chance to group with friends and create the art project you always dreamed of! More info coming this week. Keep a look on the website and ARTS Move.
Start ARTS! Party (4.9.)
The legendary School of ARTS semester opening party is here again but this time with a new twist: the Väre edition! This year Start ARTS! will be the ARTS moving party.
While the new students are attending the orientation lectures on Tuesday 4.9. the School of ARTS will have its own housewarming for Väre. There will be faculty, international guests and alumni attending exhibitions of student work and getting introduced to the new facilities. Students will also receive an invitation to the day event closer to August so if you want to go exploring the new building remember to sign up to this Väre housewarming.
Once the school organized day time program is over the building will be taken over by the students. Start ARTS! will be the official after party and moving happening you don’t want to miss. Experience the new spaces and Kipsari like you have never seen before. There will be Kipsari served student priced drinks, great performers, music and at midnight the theme for this year’s Maskerad will be revealed!
Want to earn some money?
The Producers of the Väre Housewarming Party are looking for students to help out in the event organizing. This is a good chance to earn some money to waste in the evening in Start ARTS (; If you are interested see the announcement below for more info. This with other job opportunities related to the moving celebrations will be posted on the TOKYO website under ARTS move:
Heads and hands up for jobs in Väre Housewarming Party !
The new Väre -building in Otaniemi will open, and we will have a Väre Housewarming Party on September 4, at 17:00-20:00.
This will be a big celebration with 500 invited guests; ARTS students, staff, faculty as well as our important partners and stakeholders. Besides celebrating the new house and we also want to show what our school is about, what do we do and how do we do it. There will be welcome speeches, guided tours, studio visits, exhibitions, food and drinks, music, and so on.
For all that, we will need some extra hands.
If you Interested in working for this event, please, fill in this questioner by July 31.
We will be in touch with you by July 7.
And yes, we do pay you, 14 €/hour!
Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kindly, Eeva
Eeva Mäkinen
+358 50 514 2420
Aalto Party … ARTS Middle Party! … Aalto After Party (5.9.)
4th of August will be the inhouse celebration and housewarming party of our school. The next day the whole Aalto will celebrate the opening of the academic year and it is time to show to everyone that ARTS IS HERE!
On 5th of August 12-14.00 the University will organize the Aalto Day One opening event in Otakaari 1. These opening speeches will be streamed so you can follow the happenings even if you miss the sign up. From there the faculty especially will move to explore Väre when the building will have its Aalto-wide opening. The producers of Väre opening have planned an ”experience path” to connect Otakaari to the new building and this might be something worth experiencing 14.00 onwards. During the day there will be mostly guided tours in Väre.
In the afternoon at 16.00 the Aalto Party will start at Alvarin aukio. The park will be filled with tents and stages presenting our student life. ARTS will have a big presence this year with tents 2.0. TOKYO has received TTER funding to realize our craziest plans in Aalto Party. Above all we want to share something for all Aalto students and let everyone know that we are here.
After 6pm when the tents start to quiet down at Alvarin aukio the party will not stop but move to ARTS Middle Party. ARTS student associations will organize pre drinks in Otakaari 1 X where to hang out with friends and wait for the Aalto After Party doors to open. The pre drinks will be a casual and laid back but artsy event with great music, performers, activities and also show cases of ARTS. The event will be free and open for everyone and hopefully bring arts students closer to other students in aalto community.
The doors will be open until 22.00 when the Aalto After Party doors open. Remember to buy your tickets and join the rest of aalto students for a great night.
Otaniemi Night of Arts (6.10.)
The culmination of AYY’s Year of the Arts will be the new urban festival “Otaniemi Night of Arts”. Students and associations can participate in the festival by organizing art projects around the campus. The application period for the funding of projects will end on June 30th. TOKYO will also have a big presence in the event. Mark your calendars!
You can contact our Executive Manager Tero ([email protected]) with any questions you might have since he is also one of the producers of the event.