Let’s reclaim our space dream!
A lot happened during the 1960s. Wars and walls and tension, but also lava lamps, the Beatles and dancing barefoot. In the meantime, here in Finland, TOKYO was established in the Institute of Industrial Arts in 1961. In between these tumultuous times, people were dreaming of peace, love, freedom, and sometimes of electric sheep. And amidst all this, with an immense excitement, goosebumps and tears in the corner of their eyes, people were dreaming about space.
All over the world, people sought to make space their own through the means available to them. With flying cars and beeping robots, the promise of space travel shaped the identity of an entire generation.
Isn’t it so ironic, how 60 years have passed, and the space race is back again, but this time with a bitter taste of privilege, elitism and an excessive amount of CO2. Is it just a party for the elons and jeffs, or are we still invited? Who gets to dream about space in 2021?
It’s time to reclaim our space dream. We want to bring back the excitement about the unknown and unexplored, which can make a heart skip a beat. We want to dream as people did 60 years ago. And it doesn’t matter, if these dreams are built of cardboard and glitter. Hereby, we officially announce the theme for the long awaited TOKYO Maskerad 2021:
DIY Space Dream.
Okay so we got some feedback that this text was too romantic and not crazy enough for the biggest party of the year so here’s an extra paragraph to get your spirits up:
Let’s push the boundaries of what is possible and put those 3D printers that are always collecting dust in Väre to good use. Make friends with a fashion student or two, go to Estonia to get some good fabrics. Fire hazards? Yes. Loud. Multiple outfits in one night. Watch a fashion show, here’s a link: www.vogue.com Let’s put the met gala to shame within the constraints of a kela-less student budget. See you in November.
Wait..what is Maskerad?
MASKERAD is the name of TOKYO’s annual anniversary party held in late autumn. This year we are celebrating our 60th anniversary! As the name suggest, it is a costume party, the biggest one in Aalto. Maskerad showcases the boldest costume designs and grandest will receive eternal glory and first price of The Maskerad Costume Competition. When crafting your masterpiece costume for with the theme DIY Space Dream, remember sustainability aspect!
19.11.2021, 20:00
PURISTAMO, Kaapelitehdas
Tallberginkatu 1
00180 Helsinki